Congratulations – CFI’s Award 2022

Guelph, ON - January 23 2023

Aviation Solutions would like to extend our congratulations to Flight Instructor Bill Crosby of Millennium Aviation in Saskatoon on receiving the 2022 Chief Flight Instructor’s Award. This national award is presented annually to recognize outstanding flight training educators who have displayed superior professionalism, skill, and dedication. The award recognizes those who contribute in a positive way to Aviation Solutions’ Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC), their schools, students, colleagues, the aviation community, and industry at large.  Bill was selected from the nearly 200 flight instructors who attended an Aviation Solutions FIRC in 2022.

Bill is no stranger to professional development, having attended several FIRCs over the years, as well as Aviation Solutions Class 2 and Class 1 upgrade courses.  “It always puts a smile on my face when I see Bill’s name on one of our attendance sheets” remarked Michael Schuster, chair of the selection committee.  “Bill always comes prepared to improve on his already outstanding skills and knowledge.  It’s been enjoyable watching him progress from a new Class 4 instructor to his current Class 1 rating.”

The course presenters noted how adept Bill was during group work on his course, guiding and mentoring other instructors.  Bill is always willing to share his experiences, both in class and socially.  His keen interactions and discussions consistently allow him to improve his own performance too, ultimately enhancing the experience he delivers to his students.

Ever the humble recipient, Bill noted “my sincere thanks for what feels like undeserved recognition from a group of instructor peers who have impressed me over the years,” referring to the team at Aviation Solutions.  “Their commitment to aviation training effectiveness and safety, as well as their openness to new ideas [has inspired me]”.

Aviation Solutions is proud to recognize and promote quality flight instruction and professional flight instructors through this award. Past recipients can be found on the Aviation Solutions website.


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